signature on file ne demek?
- Sof
- Bir çeşit sertçe, ince yünlü kumaş.
- Ham ipekten yapılmış astarlık kumaş.
Woolen cloth.
Special Operations Forces.
Strength of Function.
Strength ofFunction.
Start of Frame delimiter This Ordered Set is always the first Transmission Word of a Frame It is used to indicate that a Frame will immediately follow and indicates which class of service the Frame will use.
Signature on file.
signature of certification
- Sertifika imzası, bir belgeye yasal geçerlilik veren imza
signature authentication
- İmzanın doğruluğunu kanıtlama
- İmza ispatı
- İmzanın sahte ya da taklit olup olmadığını kontrol etme
- Dokuzdan sonra gelen sayının adı.
- Bu sayıyı gösteren 10, X rakamlarının adı.
- Dokuzdan bir artık.
- Ketonları gösteren son ek, propanon (dimetil keton): 2-bütanon (etil metil keton) gibi.
In progress; proceeding; as, a game is on.
In operation or operational; 'left the oven on'; 'the switch is in the on position' planned or scheduled; 'the picnic is on, rain or shine'; 'we have nothing on for Friday night' indicates continuity or persistence or concentration; 'his spirit lives on'; 'shall I read on?' in a state required for something to function or be effective; 'turn the lights on'; 'get a load on'.
With a forward motion; 'we drove along admiring the view'; 'the horse trotted along at a steady pace'; 'the circus traveled on to the next city'; 'move along'; 'march on'.
Indicates continuity or persistence or concentration; 'his spirit lives on'; 'shall I read on?'.
- Yün, pamuk vb. ipliklerden düğümlerle oluşmuş ağ.
- Alışverişte öteberi taşımak için kullanılan, ilmeklerden oluşan ağ torba.
- Saçların dağılmaması için kullanılan ağ biçiminde örgü.
- Ağ.
An orderly succession; a line; a row A row of soldiers ranged one behind another; in contradistinction to rank, which designates a row of soldiers standing abreast; a number consisting the depth of a body of troops, which, in the ordinary modern formation, consists of two men, the battalion standing two deep, or in two ranks.
An orderly collection of papers, arranged in sequence or classified for preservation and reference; as, files of letters or of newspapers; this mail brings English files to the 15th instant.
The line, wire, or other contrivance, by which papers are put and kept in order.
Roll or list.
Course of thought; thread of narration.
To bring before a court or legislative body by presenting proper papers in a regular way; as, to file a petition or bill.
Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)
signature of certificationsignature authenticationsignature booksignature circularsignature filesignature marksignaturesignature sealsignature specimensignature tunesignatorysignatory powersignatory powerssignasignablesignagesignalsignal analysisonon a charge of murderon a daily basison a full stomachon a givenon a given dayon a knife edgeon a large scaleon a lineon a major scaleoo henryo ağır yaralıo anda söylemeko anda uydurmak