break the rules ne demek?

  1. Kuralları çiğne

break the record

  1. Sonaşamlamak

break the bad news

  1. Kötü haberi alıştıra alıştıra vermek


  1. Belirli durumlarda isimden önce kullanılır
  2. O (tarif edatı, harfi tarif, belirtme sıfatı)
  3. Ne kadar, o kadar (mukayese sıfatlarından evvel)


  1. Tüzük, kurallar

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

break the recordbreak the bad newsbreak the bankbreak the deadlockbreak the fly on the wheelbreak the icebreakbreak a codebreak a legbreak a promisebreak a recordbreak an appointmentbreak atbreak at nextbreak awaybreak cornerbreachbreach of closebreach of confidencebreach of contractbreach of covenantthethe 1967 bordersthe 1st cervical vertebrathe 2004 tsunamithe 80 20 rulethe a teamthe abcthe abc powersthe ablativethe ablative caseththa sackthaithai boxingthai citizen
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