annotation symbol ne demek?

  1. Çikma simgesi

annotation edit

  1. Eklenti Düzenle

annotation format

  1. Ek Açıklama Biçimi


  1. Alamet, belirti
  2. Nişan
  3. Remiz, timsal
  4. Simge, sembol, işaret

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

annotation editannotation formatannotation markannotation mark numberannotation moveannotationannotation paneannotation referenceannotation reference markannotation textannotatingannotateannotate toannotatedannotated bibliographysymbolsymbol of a unit of measurementsymbol simgesymbol snsymbol stringsymbolicsymbolic actsymbolic addresssymbolic codingsymbolic colorsymbiansymbiologysymbionsymbionicsymbiont
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