against the rules ne demek?

  1. Kurallara aykırı, prensiplere aykırı

against the current

  1. AkışŸ yukarı, akıntıya karşŸı (su, elektrik, hava, vs.); kabul edilir davranışŸın aksine, toplum kurallarına uymayan, bireysel

against the grain

  1. Isteksizce, tersine


  1. Belirli durumlarda isimden önce kullanılır
  2. O (tarif edatı, harfi tarif, belirtme sıfatı)
  3. Ne kadar, o kadar (mukayese sıfatlarından evvel)


  1. Tüzük, kurallar

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

against the currentagainst the grainagainst the lawagainst the windagainst the worldagainstagainst all aviation risksagainst all oddsagainst all risksagainst long oddsagainst medical adviceagainst natureagainst ones willagainst prepaymentagainst public policyagainagain and againagaagaca benzeragaçagaç faresiagaç güvesithethe 1967 bordersthe 1st cervical vertebrathe 2004 tsunamithe 80 20 rulethe a teamthe abcthe abc powersthe ablativethe ablative caseththa sackthaithai boxingthai citizen
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