remote access to pvs ne demek?

  1. Rap


  1. Ayakların yürürken çıkardığı ses.
  2. (en)Popular name for any of the tokens that passed current for a half-penny in Ireland in the early part of the eighteenth century; any coin of trifling value.
  3. (en)Genre of African-American music of the 1980s and 1990s in which rhyming lyrics are chanted to a musical accompaniment; several forms of rap have emerged voluble conversation a gentle blow talk volubly strike sharply; 'rap him on the knuckles' perform rap music.
  4. (en)Reproach for some lapse or misdeed; 'he took the blame for it'; 'it was a bum rap'.
  5. (en)Gentle blow.
  6. (en)The sound made by a gentle blow.
  7. (en)Voluble conversation.
  8. (en)Genre of African-American music of the 1980s and 1990s in which rhyming lyrics are chanted to a musical accompaniment; several forms of rap have emerged.
  9. (en)The act of hitting vigorously; 'he gave the table a whack'.
  10. (en)Strike sharply; 'rap him on the knuckles'.

remote access data processing

  1. Uzaktan bilgi işleme
  2. uzaktan bilgi işleme

remote access dial in service

  1. Livinston Enterprise Inc. Tarafından geliştirilmiş, erişim sunucularını doğrulayan bir network protokolüdür.


  1. Bkz. akse
  2. Giriş, yol, methal, geçit
  3. Artma, çoğalma
  4. Erişim sağlamak
  5. Bağlamak


  1. -e
  2. -e doğru, yönüne doğru, tarafına
  3. Ile
  4. -e kadar, -e değin, derecesine kadar
  5. -e dair
  6. -e nazaran, -e nispetle
  7. -e göre
  8. Hakkında, için
  9. Mak, mek (mastar edatı).
  10. -e dogru

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

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