protection against unfair competition ne demek?

  1. Yasa dışı yarışıma karşı korunma


  1. Koruma, muhafaza, himaye
  2. Sığınacak yer, korunacak yer, barınak
  3. Serbest seyahat vesikası
  4. Korunma, kayırma
  5. Haraç, önlem, tedbir

protection cap

  1. Kaporta


  1. Aykırı
  2. Karşısında
  3. Dayalı
  4. Aleyhinde
  5. Karşı olma
  6. (-e) aykırı
  7. (-e) doğru
  8. Karşı
  9. Muhalif


  1. Dürüst olmayan
  2. İnsafsız, taraflı
  3. Haksız, adaletsiz
  4. Hileli

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

protectionprotection capprotection durationprotection duration of workprotection dutyprotection effects of tariffsprotection functionprotection moneyprotection of industrial propertyprotection of plants noveltiesprotectingprotecting glassprotecting groupprotecting liquidprotectprotect a billprotect toprotectedprotected emplacementagainstagainst all aviation risksagainst all oddsagainst all risksagainst long oddsagainst medical adviceagainst natureagainst ones willagainst prepaymentagainst public policyagainagain and againagaagaca benzeragaçagaç faresiagaç güvesi
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