emulated lan ne demek?

  1. Benzetilmiş yerel ağ

emulated lans

  1. Benzetilmiş yerel ağlar

emulated local area network

  1. Elan


  1. Ulan
  2. Lanet etme. Lanetleme. (Osmanlıca'da yazılışı: la'n)
  3. Hakikatsızlık, vefasızlık. (Osmanlıca'da yazılışı: lân)
  4. (en)Local Area Network connects computers in a relatively small area, such as the same floor or building, or a group of buildings like a campus Users on the same LAN can share devices as well as data Back to Top.
  5. (en)Network connecting computers in a relatively small area such as a building.
  6. (en)Local Area Network, a data communications system consisting of a group of interconnected computers, sharing applications, data and peripherals The geographical area is usually a building or group of buildings.
  7. (en)Computer network technology that is designed to connect computers that are separated by a short distance A LAN can be connected to the internet and can also be configured as an intranet.
  8. (en)Local Area Network A network of computers within a limited area.
  9. (en)-- A computer network limited to the immediate area, usually the same building or floor of a building.
  10. (en)Local Area Network - a network of computers confined within a small area, such as an office building.

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

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