stability theory ne demek?

  1. Tutunurluk kuramı

stability test

  1. Stabilite testi

stability denge

  1. Muvazene


  1. Teori
  2. Kuram
  3. Nazariye

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

stability teststability dengestability of a linear systemstabilitystabilitestabilite testistabilisationstabilisestabilisedstabiliserstabilisersstabilstabil anjinastabil faktörstabil hücrelerstabil mürekkeptheorytheory basedtheory extensiontheory kuramtheory oftheory of absolute advantagestheory of actiontheory of cellular patologytheory of comparative advantagestheory of continental drifttheorbotheoremtheorem of sinestheorem of tangentstheorem of the cosine
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