retrospective statute ne demek?

  1. Geçmişi kapsayan kanun

retrospective study

  1. Geriye dönük çalışma

retrospective application

  1. Geriye dönük uygulama


  1. Kural, kaide
  2. Ferman
  3. Kanun, yasa, nizam
  4. Emir, hüküm
  5. Kaideye göre
  6. Kurallı
  7. Statü, tüzük

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

retrospective studyretrospective applicationretrospective bibliographyretrospective patternretrospective validationretrospectiveretrospectionretrospectstatutestatute barredstatute bookstatute heykelstatute lawstatute milestatute of limitationsstatutabhstatutairstatuarystatuary reservesstatuestatue makerstatue of libertystatstatestate agencystate auditorstate bank
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