john the baptist ne demek?

  1. Yahya peygamber, hazreti yahya


  1. (en)Male first name; one of the 12 disciples of Jesus, author of the Gospel of John (Biblical); last of the four Gospels of the New Testament (Biblical); John the Baptist.
  2. John, tuvalet
  3. Yuhanna, Yahya
  4. Yüznumara
  5. Fahişenin müşterisi.

john barleycorn

  1. Malttan yapılan içki


  1. Belirli durumlarda isimden önce kullanılır
  2. O (tarif edatı, harfi tarif, belirtme sıfatı)
  3. Ne kadar, o kadar (mukayese sıfatlarından evvel)


  1. Protestan mezhebine bağlı kimse.
  2. (en)See Anabaptist.
  3. (en)Follower of Baptistic doctrines of or pertaining to or characteristic of the Baptist church; 'Baptist baptismal practices'; 'a Baptist minister'.
  4. (en)Follower of Baptistic doctrines.
  5. (en)Of or pertaining to or characteristic of the Baptist church; 'Baptist baptismal practices'; 'a Baptist minister'.
  6. (en)One who administers baptism; specifically applied to John, the forerunner of Christ.
  7. (en)One of a denomination of Christians who deny the validity of infant baptism and of sprinkling, and maintain that baptism should be administered to believers alone, and should be by immersion.
  8. Vaftiz eden kimse, baptist mezhebi üyesi
  9. Baptist denilen Protestan mezhebi mensubu
  10. Vaftiz eden kimse

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

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