ionic bonding ne demek?

  1. the binding together of atoms through the transfer of one or more electrons from one atom to another.

ionic bond

  1. Iyon bağı

ionic bombardment

  1. Iyon bombardımanı


  1. Tutturmak, yapıştırmak, bağlamak; örmek (duvar); antrepoya koymak
  2. BağŸla

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

ionic bondionic bombardmentionic atmosphereionic characterionic compoundionicionic concentrationionic conductanceionic conductionionic contrast mediumioniaionia islandsionianionion acceleratorion associationion beamion burnbondingbonding agentbonding orbitalbonding strengthbondbond anglebond anticipation notesbond certificatebond coatbon appetitbon appetitebon motbon otubon ton
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