his days are numbered ne demek?

  1. Günleri sayılı


  1. Duygu
  2. Duyu.
  3. Sezgi, sezme.
  4. Bk.Histidin
  5. Bk. duygu
  6. (en)Feeling.
  7. (en)Emotion.
  8. (en)Sense.
  9. (en)Sensation.
  10. (en)Feel.

his ahlakı

  1. Bk. duygu ahlakı


  1. Günler


  1. Borç olarak alınan veya verilen şey.
  2. -sin, -iz, -siniz, -dirler
  3. Ar

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

hishis ahlakıhis bark is worse thanhis bark is worse than his bitehis bark is worse than his bite.his blood is up.his bundlehis cihazlarıHis demetihis doom is sealedhihi althi can i help youhi fihi how are youdaysdays days journeydays of glorydays of gracedays of summerdays of the weekdays of the yeardays of weekdays of yoredayday after dayday after day and year after yearday after tomorrowday airglow
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