cell contents ne demek?

  1. Bir elektronik devresinin içindeki bir hücrenin içerdiğŸi bilgi

cell connector

  1. Eleman köprüsü

cell constant

  1. Hücre sabiti


  1. Içerik, içindekiler

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

cell connectorcell constantcell conversioncell commentcell centercell changecell chemistrycellcell addresscell adhesion moleculescell alignmentcell batterycell biologycell bodycell broadcastcelcel animationcelacelabcelabecontentscontents entrycontents gaugecontents headingcontents ındex glossarycontents notecontents ofcontents of the clipboardcontents onlycontents pagecontentcontent address storagecontent addressable memorycontent addressed storagecontent adressable aesnry
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