yours affectionately ne demek?

  1. Sevgilerle, sevgilerimle


  1. Seninki, sizinki
  2. Seninki, sizinki, sizlerinki, seninkiler, sizinkiler

yours faithfully

  1. Saygılarımla


  1. Sevgilerle

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

yoursyours faithfullyyours respectfullyyours sincerelyyours trulyyours truly,yourselfyourselvesyouryour baggage claim tag pleaseYour comment is awaiting moderationyour customs declarationyour customs declaration pleaseyouyou allyou and meyou are a beautyyou are bothering meaffectionatelyaffectionately known asaffectionately yoursaffectionateaffectionate with tender emotionaffectional
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