translation ne demek?

  1. Çeviri, tercüme, çevirme
  2. Çeviri, tercüme
  3. Verden yere nakil
  4. Tahvil, tebdil.

translation and interpreting

  1. Mütercim tercümanlık

translation difference

  1. Kur farkı

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

translation and interpretingtranslation differencetranslation methodtranslation of foreign currencytranslation of marktranslation of the financial statementstranslation of the presentation currencytranslationaltranslational controltranslational repressortranslatingtranslating programtranslatabletranslatetranslate intotranslate into englishtranslate to
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