station house ne demek?

  1. Polis merkezi, karakol, itfaiye merkezi, istasyon, gar

station hospital

  1. Bölge hastanesi, sabit hastane

station ınformation frame

  1. Sif


  1. -de bulunmak
  2. Konut.
  3. Ev, mesken, hane
  4. Ev halkı, aile
  5. Bir eve koymak, kendi evine almak
  6. Barındırmak; yerleştirmek.
  7. Siper altına almak, aşağı indirmek
  8. Ev sağlamak, eve yerleştirmek, barındırmak, evde oturmak
  9. Evde oturmak, barınmak.

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

station hospitalstation ınformation framestation in lifestation logstation managerstationstation of originstation of stockstation selectorstation tostaticstatic staticalstatic acceleration error coefficientstatic analysisstatic balancehousehouse agenthouse and homehouse arresthouse builderhouse burninghouse careerhouse carpenterhouse cathouse cleaninghousagehoudan henHoudan tavuğuhoughhouille blanchehound
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