resource oriented industries ne demek?

  1. Kaynağa yönelimli sanayiler


  1. Oyalayıcı şey, uğraş
  2. Vasıta, yardımına başvurulacak kimse
  3. Kaynak
  4. Çare
  5. Dayanak
  6. Beceri, çözüm bulma yeteneği

resource accounting and budgeting

  1. Rab


  1. Doğrultusunda olan
  2. Amaçlı
  3. Yönlü

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

resourceresource accounting and budgetingresource allocationresource allocation formularesource allocation frameresource allocation viewresource managementresource meterresource reservation setup protocolresource sharingresoundresoundingresounding slapresoundinglyresoleresoledresolubleresoluteresolutelyorientedoriented contouroriented graphoriented lineoriented planeorientorient o.s.orient oneselforient pearlorient theoryoriensorieloriel window
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