representative action ne demek?

  1. Bir grup adına açılan dava

representative democracy

  1. Temsili demokrasi

representative form of government

  1. Temsili hükumet şekli


  1. Aksiyon
  2. Hareket
  3. Davranış
  4. Etkileme
  5. Eylem
  6. Dava
  7. Çarpışma
  8. Hareket biçimi
  9. Hareket tarzı
  10. Olayların gelişimi

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

representative democracyrepresentative form of governmentrepresentative marketrepresentative moneyrepresentative officerepresentativerepresentative samplerepresentative temsilcirepresentativenessrepresentationrepresentation of somethingrepresentationalrepresentational theatreactionaction and reactionaction areaaction argumentsaction at a distanceaction at lawaction baraction buttonaction buttonsaction committeeactioactio confessoriaactio de dolo maloactio emptiactio furti
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