nato kafa nato mermer ne demek?

  1. Kalın kafalı, budala, söz anlamaz ve söz dinlemez anlamında kullanılan deyim.


  1. "Söz dinlemez, söz anlamaz, taş gibi kafa" anlamlarındaki nato kafa, nato mermer deyiminde geçen bir söz.
  2. Düşük maliyetli, düşük titreşim veren bir maun türü.
  3. (en)North Atlantic Treaty Organisation; comes into operation in April 1949.
  4. (en)An organization formed in Washington, D C , comprising the 12 nations of the Atlantic Pact together with Greece, Turkey, and the Federal Republic of Germany, for the purpose of collective defense against aggression.
  5. (en)North Atlantic Treaty Organisation An alliance formed to confront the USSR and continued after its demise Plans are afoot to include countries bordering on Russia.
  6. (en)Established under the North Atlantic Treaty, by Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Great Britain, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, and the United States Greece and Turkey entered the alliance in 1952, and West Germany entered in 1955, Spain entered in 1982, and the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Poland all entered in 1999 NATO maintains headquarters in Brussels, Belgium.
  7. (en)North Atlantic Treaty Organisation Established in 1949, at the beginning of the cold war, and especially to answer the Berlin blockade Founder members were Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal UK and USA It settled a common permanent organisation in order to establish military but also technologic co-operation between the members Greece and West Germany joined later, while France withdrew.
  8. (en)An international organization created in 1949 by the North Atlantic Treaty for purposes of collective security.
  9. (en)Nato.
  10. (en)North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

nato altyapı ve kıyıötesi harcamaları

  1. NATO tarafından ortak güvenlik planları çerçevesinde Türkiye'deki çeşitli savunma tesisleri için döviz karşılığı yapılmış olan harcamaları gösteren, ödemeler bilânçosunun cari işlemler kısmına kaydedilen kalem.
  2. (en)NATO infrastructure and off shore expenditures.


  1. İnsan başı, ser.
  2. Hayvanlarda genellikle ağız, göz, burun, kulak vb. organların bulunduğu vücudun en ön bölümü.
  3. Bellek.
  4. Çocuk oyunlarında kullanılan zıpzıp taşının veya cevizin büyük boyu.
  5. Mekanik bir bütünün parçası.
  6. Kavrama ve anlama yeteneği, zekâ, zihin, bellek
  7. Görüş ve inançların etkisi altında beliren düşünme ve yargılama yolu, zihniyet
  8. Elektrik ya da akustik dalgaları saptayan ya da okuyan, özellikle ses aygıtlarında, mıknatıslı görüntü aygıtlarında ses ve görüntüyü saptama ve okuma işini gerçekleştiren değiştirgeç.
  9. Bk. baş
  10. Yumuşak kuru ot. (Osmanlıca'da yazılışı: kaf'a)


  1. "Söz dinlemez, söz anlamaz, taş gibi kafa" anlamlarındaki nato kafa, nato mermer deyiminde geçen bir söz.
  2. Düşük maliyetli, düşük titreşim veren bir maun türü.
  3. (en)North Atlantic Treaty Organisation; comes into operation in April 1949.
  4. (en)An organization formed in Washington, D C , comprising the 12 nations of the Atlantic Pact together with Greece, Turkey, and the Federal Republic of Germany, for the purpose of collective defense against aggression.
  5. (en)North Atlantic Treaty Organisation An alliance formed to confront the USSR and continued after its demise Plans are afoot to include countries bordering on Russia.
  6. (en)Established under the North Atlantic Treaty, by Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Great Britain, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, and the United States Greece and Turkey entered the alliance in 1952, and West Germany entered in 1955, Spain entered in 1982, and the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Poland all entered in 1999 NATO maintains headquarters in Brussels, Belgium.
  7. (en)North Atlantic Treaty Organisation Established in 1949, at the beginning of the cold war, and especially to answer the Berlin blockade Founder members were Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal UK and USA It settled a common permanent organisation in order to establish military but also technologic co-operation between the members Greece and West Germany joined later, while France withdrew.
  8. (en)An international organization created in 1949 by the North Atlantic Treaty for purposes of collective security.
  9. (en)Nato.
  10. (en)North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

natonato altyapı ve kıyıötesi harcamalarınato beyannameleri tescil defterinato beyannamesinato bildirim belgesinato forcesnato member statesnato pactnatnatafannatafenatakanataktekafakafa adimlama hizikafa anahtarlamasikafa atmakafa atmakkafa avcısıkafa boşluğukafa bulmakafa bulmakkafa cilalamakkafkaf suresi
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