matching words ne demek?

  1. Eşleşen sözcükler

matching diaphragm

  1. Uydurma diyaframı

matching direction

  1. Yönde uyuşum


  1. Sözler
  2. Ağız kavgası
  3. Güfte, laf

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

matching diaphragmmatching directionmatching impedancematching itemmatching looksmatchingmatching networkmatching of cost with revenuesmatching transformermatchmatch againstmatch and dispatch hatchmatch at cockfightingmatch boxmatc maximum allowable toxic concentrationwordswords fail mewords fail me.words failed him.words of endearmentwords of opposite meaningwords per minutewordsmithwordstarwordsworthwordword accentword associationword blindword blindness
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