lim simgesi ne demek?

  1. (en)Lim symbol.
  2. (fr)Symbole lim


  1. Küçük limon.
  2. (en)Limit or Limits.
  3. (en)Liquid injection molding.
  4. (en)Line Interface module - refers to a Scantronic 9500 processor.
  5. (en)Lifeline Interface Module.
  6. (en)Abbr Link Interface Module.
  7. (en)Light intensity modulation.
  8. (en)Liming Agent Recycled organic product that is derived from and/or mixed with an alkaline material capable of neutralizing soil acidity The product is either registered with the NCDA as a liming agent or product analyses are available to consistently demonstrate its effetiveness as a liming agent EXAMPLE: alkaline stabilized biosolids AgW Agricultural waste including animal manures and wastes including cow, pig, horse, and poultry manures; fish, shellfish, and poultry processing wastes; processing wastes from slaughterhouses, hatchery waste, mortality.
  9. (en)Linear induction motor.
  10. (en)Limb.

lim suhanver

  1. Edip, şair. (Osmanlıca'da yazılışı: lim. suhan-ver)

lim symbol

  1. Lim simgesi

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

lim suhanverlim symbollim unutmuş, kalem unutmamışlimlimalima beanlima beanslima fasulyesilimaçon eğrisilimakilili zatihiliabliabilitiesliabilities assumedsimgesi olmaksimgeselsimgesel adressimgesel bağsimgesel davranışsimgesel deyimsimgesimge adısimge başlığısimge boyutusimge çubuğusimsim mecidiyesim ü zersimasima kaydı
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