lim ne demek?

  1. Küçük limon.
  2. (en)Limit or Limits.
  3. (en)Liquid injection molding.
  4. (en)Line Interface module - refers to a Scantronic 9500 processor.
  5. (en)Lifeline Interface Module.
  6. (en)Abbr Link Interface Module.
  7. (en)Light intensity modulation.
  8. (en)Liming Agent Recycled organic product that is derived from and/or mixed with an alkaline material capable of neutralizing soil acidity The product is either registered with the NCDA as a liming agent or product analyses are available to consistently demonstrate its effetiveness as a liming agent EXAMPLE: alkaline stabilized biosolids AgW Agricultural waste including animal manures and wastes including cow, pig, horse, and poultry manures; fish, shellfish, and poultry processing wastes; processing wastes from slaughterhouses, hatchery waste, mortality.
  9. (en)Linear induction motor.
  10. (en)Limb.
  11. (en)Line interface module Provides concentration services for ADSL port.


  1. Boyutları, benzerlerininkinden daha ufak olan, büyük karşıtı
  2. Yaşı daha az olan
  3. Niceliği az olan
  4. Niteliği aşağı olan, bayağı.
  5. Geri aşamada.
  6. Değersiz, önemsiz
  7. Büyümesini, gelişmesini henüz tamamlamış olan
  8. Kısık, parlak olmayan(ses)
  9. (en)Small.
  10. (en)Little.

lim simgesi

  1. (en)Lim symbol.
  2. (fr)Symbole lim

lim suhanver

  1. Edip, şair. (Osmanlıca'da yazılışı: lim. suhan-ver)

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

lim simgesilim suhanverlim symbollim unutmuş, kalem unutmamışlimalima beanlima beanslima fasulyesilimaçon eğrisilimakilili zatihiliabliabilitiesliabilities assumed
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