higher rate intermediate points ne demek?

  1. Yüksek fiyatlı ara noktalar


  1. Ileri
  2. Daha yüksek.higher criticism Kitabı Mukaddes yazılarının tarih, amaç, kaynak ve derlenmesini inceleme

higher arithmetic

  1. Ileri aritmetik


  1. Büyük fare.
  2. Yaşlı, verimsiz, geçimsiz (kimse)
  3. Başarısız.
  4. (en)To chide with vehemence; to scold; to censure violently.
  5. (en)Established portion or measure; fixed allowance.
  6. (en)That which is established as a measure or criterion; degree; standard; rank; proportion; ratio; as, a slow rate of movement; rate of interest is the ratio of the interest to the principal, per annum.
  7. (en)Valuation; price fixed with relation to a standard; cost; charge; as, high or low rates of transportation.
  8. (en)Order; arrangement.
  9. (en)Ratification; approval.
  10. (en)The gain or loss of a timepiece in a unit of time; as, daily rate; hourly rate; etc.


  1. Ara sınav
  2. Ara bulucu
  3. Ortadaki, orta seviyede bulunan, aradaki
  4. Orta seviyede bulunan şey
  5. Orta boy araba
  6. Meyancı, vasıta, aracı
  7. Ara mamulü
  8. Orta dereceli şey

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

higherhigher arithmetichigher bidhigher educationhigher mammalshigher mathematicshigher mindhigher order differentialhigher plantshigher rankhighhigh accuracyhigh algebrahigh alloy steelhigh altituderaterate 1 turnrate adaptationrate amongrate bookrate constantrate high with smbrate high with smb.rate informationrate of accelerationratrat bite feverrat flearat flea of northrat goliath
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