clown trio ne demek?

  1. Soytarı üçlüsü


  1. Söz ve davranışlarıyla halkı güldürüp eğlendiren kimse, maskara
  2. Hileci, yaltak kimse, kaşmer.
  3. Bir oyunda, revüde ya da sirkte gülünç hareketler, sözler ve becerilerle seyredenleri eğlendiren sanatçı.
  4. (en)Buffoon.
  5. (en)Jester.
  6. (en)Fool.
  7. (en)Harlequin.
  8. (en)Clown.
  9. (en)Merry-andrew.
  10. (en)Zany.


  1. Soytarı palyaço
  2. Köylü
  3. Kaba adam
  4. Soytarılık etmek
  5. Palyaço; soytarı; hödük (Argo), kaba adam


  1. Soytarılık, kaba komedi, fars


  1. Üçlü.
  2. Üç kişiden oluşan.
  3. (en)The secondary, or episodical, movement of a minuet or scherzo, as in a sonata or symphony, or of a march, or of various dance forms; not limited to three parts or instruments.
  4. (en)Musical composition for three performers three people considered as a unit a set of three similar things considered as a unit three performers or singers who perform together.
  5. (en)The cardinal number that is the sum of one and one and one.
  6. (en)Musical composition for three performers.
  7. (en)Three performers or singers who perform together.
  8. (en)Set of three similar things considered as a unit.
  9. (en)Three people considered as a unit.
  10. (en)Three singers with guitars singing boleros, sons, guarachas and other songs : this formation was popularized during 20ties of the 20th century.

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

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