chartered bank ne demek?

  1. Faaliyet izni olan banka; bir bankalar grubu tarafından verilen büyük miktardaki krediyi idare eden banka (sendika/kartel kredi)

chartered accountant

  1. Yetkili hesap uzmanı
  2. Diplomalı muhasebeci

chartered company

  1. Tescil edilmiş şirket
  2. Ayrıcalıklı şirket


  1. Çoğunlukla parklarda ve bahçelerde oturulacak sıra.
  2. Bk. sığdip
  3. (en)Park bench.
  4. (en)Bench; a high seat, or seat of distinction or judgment; a tribunal or court.
  5. (en)Mound, pile, or ridge of earth, raised above the surrounding level; hence, anything shaped like a mound or ridge of earth; as, a bank of clouds; a bank of snow.
  6. (en)Overfall.
  7. (en)Steep acclivity, as the slope of a hill, or the side of a ravine.
  8. (en)Financial institution that accepts deposits and channels the money into lending activities; 'he cashed a check at the bank'; 'that bank holds the mortgage on my home'.
  9. (en)The margin of a watercourse; the rising ground bordering a lake, river, or sea, or forming the edge of a cutting, or other hollow.
  10. (en)Sloping land ; 'they pulled the canoe up on the bank'; 'he sat on the bank of the river and watched the currents'.

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

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