bop ne demek?

  1. Poker oyununda, oyuna girmek için ortaya konması gereken en az miktar.
  2. Ortadaki miktar kadar oyuna katılma sözü.
  3. (en)Ante.
  4. (en)An early form of modern jazz dance the bebop.
  5. (en)See Businessowners policy.
  6. (en)Balance of Payments.
  7. (en)Broken Orange Pekoe - Full-bodied black tea comprising broken segments of somewhat coarse leaves without tips The smallest of the leaf grades, it gives good color in the cup and is used for many blends.
  8. (en)Base of Preference.
  9. (en)Style of jazz characterized by rhythmic and harmonic complexity, improvised solo performances and a virtuoso execution.
  10. (en)Basic Object Persistence A serialization mechanism used through the Dataphor toolset to persist object state.
  11. (en)Complex, highly improvised style of jazz Charlie Parker and Dizzy Gillespie were important performers of this style.
  12. (en)Beginning of Partition: The first location in a partition which can be accessed Identical to BOM if only one partition is defined.
  13. (en)Businessowners Policy.
  14. (en)Benefit Overpayment.
  15. (en)An assembly of heavy-duty valves attached to the top of a well casing to control pressure.
  16. (en)College disco - usually very cheesy but on the whole good fun.
  17. (en)Means the Bureau of Prisons.
  18. (en)Bureau of Prisons, part of the U S Department of Justice.
  19. (en)Quaint way of describing an entertainment involving dancing.
  20. (en)Abbreviation for Bayesian oscillation patterns, patterns found using BSA See Ruiz de Elvira and Bevia.
  21. (en)An important era in the history of jazz, whose heyday was the 1940's Bop musicians returned to combos rather than the big bands of the previous swing era, and returned the focus of jazz to improvisation Important bop musicians include Charlie Parker and Dizzy Gillespie.
  22. (en)The law enforcement agency of the Justice Department that operates a nationawide system of prisons and detention facilities to incarcerate inmates sentenced to imprisonment for federal crimes.
  23. (en)An early form of modern jazz.
  24. (en)Dance the bebop.
  25. (en)Hit hard.
  26. Vurmak
  27. , müz

bop blow out preventer

  1. Kaçak önleyici.

bop eğrisi

  1. Bk. ÖB eğrisi

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

bop blow out preventerbop eğrisibopeepbopiboplukbopperbopstilbopu artırmakbobo be brought upbo fonksiyonlar sınıfıbo function classbo inciri
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