worry smb ne demek?

  1. Zorla çıkarmak


  1. Zor kullanarak, cebren, zecren, metazori
  2. İstemeyerek, isteksiz olarak, zoraki
  3. (en)At the point of the bayonet.
  4. (en)Constrainedly.
  5. (en)By force.
  6. (en)Forcibly.
  7. (en)Hard.
  8. (en)Hardly.
  9. (en)Only just.
  10. (en)Perforce.

worry smb. into a decision

  1. Karar vermeye zorlamak

worry smb. out of smth

  1. Kurtarmak, zorla çıkarmak


  1. Bk. megabaz
  2. Bk. megabayt
  3. (en)[MB (MegaByte) ] one million bytes (Computers).

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

worry smb. into a decisionworry smb. out of smthworry smb. out of smth.worry aboutworry alongworry along through smthworry along through smth.worry and depressionworryworry atworry beadsworry oneselfworry outworriedworriedlyworrierworrimentworrisomesmsmacksmack dabsmack ofsmacker
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