veiled threat ne demek?

  1. Örtülü tehdit, kapalı tehdit, gizli tehdit, alttan alta tehdit, imalı tehdit, ince tehdit

veiled accusation

  1. Ima etme

veiled in secrecy

  1. Esrarengiz


  1. Adak
  2. Korkutma
  3. Tehdit, gözdağı
  4. Tehlike

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

veiled accusationveiled in secrecyveiled referenceveiledveilveil of mistveil of secrecythreatthreat agentthreat and risk assessmentthreat monitoringthreat of extinctionthreatenthreatenedthreatened abortionthreatened speciesthreatened with a lawsuitthreadthread a needlethread a screwthread beadsthread cutting
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