tobacco mosaic virus ne demek?

  1. Tütün mozaik virüsü tmv


  1. Tütün
  2. Tömbeki

tobacco box

  1. Tabaka


  1. Mozaikli
  2. Musa'ya ait, Musa'dan kalma
  3. Mozaik
  4. Çeşitli parçalardan meydana gelen edebi eser
  5. Mozaik gibi


  1. (en)Microorganism which functions as an infectious agent; computer program which is intended to be spread surreptitiously between computers and usually causes damage (Computers).
  2. Hastalıktan ileri gelen zehir
  3. Aşı için kullanılan zehirli madde
  4. Ahlaki veya manevi zehir
  5. Bkz. virüs

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

tobaccotobacco boxtobacco casetobacco flea beetletobacco hearttobacco industrytobacco manufacturertobacco pipetobacco planttobacco poisoningmosaicmosaic diseasemosaic eggmosaic screen displaymosaic testmosaicismmosaicistmos
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