theoretic vitues ne demek?

  1. Fikri erdemler


  1. Düşünerek meydana getirilen şey.
  2. Düşünce ile ilgili.
  3. Düşünülerek oluşturulan.
  4. Fikre ait.
  5. (en)Thought, belief, concept, idea, opinion, mind, advice, suggestion, attitude, cogitation, conceit, conception, estimation, hint, impression, inspiration, notion, position, thinking, verdict, view, voice, sentiments.

theoretic ical

  1. Nazariyeye ait, nazari, kuramsal

theoretic kuramsal

  1. Teorik


  1. Otomobillerin çekiş ve hızını ayarlamaya yarayan dişliler düzeni.
  2. Bk. alıcı hızı
  3. (en)Gear.
  4. (en)Speed.
  5. (en)Transmission.
  6. (en)Gears.
  7. (en)Gearshift.

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

theoretic icaltheoretic kuramsaltheoretictheoreticaltheoretical accounttheoretical arrival timetheoretical coursestheoretical distribution functiontheoretical economicstheoretical frequenciestheoremtheorem of sinestheorem of tangentstheorem of the cosinetheorem schemavituperablevituperatevituperationvituperativevituperative and disagreeable temperamentvitavita apostolicavitagonistvitalvital boya
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