tartuffe ne demek?

  1. Moliere in bir piyesinde ikiyüzlü papaz
  2. Dindarlık taslayan kimse.


  1. Çıkrıkçı çarkı.
  2. (en)Latheused for turning spinning wheels.


  1. Kovma, çıkarma.
  2. Kalıpta pişen bir tür meyveli pasta.
  3. Bk. kovma
  4. (en)Weighout.
  5. (en)Sharp to the taste; acid; sour; as, a tart apple.
  6. (en)Synonym for 'acidic'.
  7. (en)Pastry shell with shallow sides and no top crust that is filled with a savory or sweet filling.
  8. (en)Sweet- or savory-filled baked pastry with no top crust.
  9. (en)Pastry crust with shallow sides, a filling and no top crust.
  10. (en)Wine whose taste is similar to that of vinegar.

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

tarturatarttart celltart etmektart hamurutart kalıbı
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