structured exception handling ne demek?

  1. Yapısal özel durum işlemesi


  1. [structure] planlamak, bütün olarak düşünmek
  2. Biçim ver

structured analysis

  1. Yapisal çözümleme


  1. Hariç tutma
  2. Kural dışılık
  3. Ayrım yapma
  4. İstisna
  5. Mahkemenin ara kararlarına itiraz
  6. Sıra dışı durum


  1. Tedavi, bakım
  2. Dokunma
  3. Ambalajlama
  4. İdare, dağıtım
  5. Elle dokunma
  6. İşleme tarzı
  7. Kullanma

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

structuredstructured analysisstructured cablingstructured designstructured lightingstructured matrixstructured microprogrammingstructured programmingstructured query languagestructured questionstructurestructure contoursstructure declarationstructure of companystructuralstructural adjustmentstructural adjustment loanstructural balancestructural budget deficitsexceptionexception handlerexception handlingexception listexception messageexceptionableexceptionalexceptional conditionsexceptionalityexceptionallyexceptingexceptinos of subsistanceexceptexcept forexcept for the fact thatexcept ingexcept that
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