shorthand writer ne demek?

  1. Stenograf daktilo


  1. Steno.
  2. (en)Shorthand typist.
  3. (en)Stenographer.

shorthand typist

  1. Stenograf


  1. Steno, stenografi
  2. Stenografi, steno.


  1. Hattat
  2. Haber yazan
  3. Redaktör
  4. Müellif, muharrir
  5. Yazar, yazan

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

shorthand typistshorthandshorthandedshorthornshorthorn cattleshortshort and plumpshort and sharpshort and sweetshort and tightwriterwriter of a qasidawriter of feature articleswriter to the signetwriters namewritershipwritewrite a computer programwrite accesswrite backwrite copywritwrit of attachmentwrit of capiaswrit of certiorariwrit of election
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