mythical mountain ne demek?

  1. Hara


  1. At üretilen çiftlik, aygır deposu.
  2. Hare.
  3. Deve kuşu yumurtasının yeri.
  4. Süstlük, zayıflık.
  5. (en)Stud.
  6. (en)1) the abdomen 2) The location of one's soul.
  7. (en)The centre of gravity of the body, located in the lower abdomen; the centre of awareness in zazen meditation.
  8. (en)The central balance point in the human body, located slightly below the navel All coordinated movement originates from this one point.
  9. (en)Lower abdomen; physical and spiritual centre.
  10. (en)The lower abdomen The center of life energy, physical and spiritual Often used as a synonym for 'guts', courage All movement must originate from this point.

mythical monster

  1. Efsanevi yaratik


  1. Mitsi, efsanevi


  1. Dağ
  2. Yığın, dağ kadar büyük şey
  3. Azman

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

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