islemek ne demek?

  1. İse tutup karartmak.
  2. (en)To blacken sth with soot.
  3. (en)To smoke (a food to preserve it.
  4. (en)To soot.


  1. (en)Should.
  2. (en)See -ize.
  3. (en)Integrated Synthesis Environment.
  4. (en)Integrated Support Environment.
  5. (en)Location in eastern Honshu of a major shrine to Amaterasu Location in eastern Honshu of a major shrine to Amaterasu.
  6. (en)Institutional Self Evaluation.


  1. İslemek işi.
  2. Tütsüleme.
  3. (en)Smoking.
  4. (en)Procedure, operation, transaction, process, proceeding, processing, treatment.

isleme tabi tutulan

  1. (en)Processed

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

islemeisleme tabi tutulanislemeyle süsleislem birimiislem gerektiren hataislem koduislem sinirliislem yokisleislaislabislacislafislah
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