income earner ne demek?

  1. Gelir getiren, ekmek parası kazanan, çalışŸarak para kazanan, geçim, sağŸlayan

income effect

  1. Gelir etkisi

income effect of export

  1. Dışsatımın gelir etkisi


  1. Bir çaba ile elde eden kimse
  2. Kazanan kimse, kazanıcı

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

income effectincome effect of exportincome effect of tariffsincome elasticityincome elasticity of demandincomeincome accountincome and corporate taxincome and expenseincome approachincome bondincome bracketincome carried forwardincome collectorincome dataincombustibilityincombustibleincombustiblyincoagulabilityincogincognisantincognitaincognitoearnerearnedearned a pretty pennyearned a reputationearned his breadearned his livingearnearn a bare livingearn a livingearn an honest pennyearn easilyearear acheear canal resectionear cutting forcepsear doctor
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