floor drying ne demek?

  1. Yerde kurutma


  1. (en)Earth, premises, footing, whereabouts, glebe, ground, locale, locality, location, locus, mother earth, place, position, post, quarter, room, seat, site, situation, situs, slot, space, spot, stand, standing, station, stead, terrain, ubiety; pew.

floor drain

  1. Döşeme süzgeci

floor and walls

  1. Yer ve Duvarlar


  1. Kuruyan, kuru
  2. Kurutma

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

floor drainfloor and wallsfloor bracketsfloor brokerfloor clothfloor coveringfloorfloor framingfloor hangerfloor headfloodflood disasterflood inflood lampflood of tearsdryingdrying agentdrying chamberdrying cylinderdrying drumdrying equipmentdrying installationdrying linedrying machinedrying offdrydry accumulatordry adiabatic ratedry airdry air cooler
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