expected inflation ne demek?

  1. Beklenen enflasyon


  1. (en)Inevitable.
  2. (en)Foregone.
  3. (en)Prospective.
  4. (en)Stock.
  5. (en)Anticipated.
  6. (en)Expectation.
  7. (en)Expected.
  8. (en)Foreseeable.
  9. (en)Likely.
  10. (en)Specific performance.


  1. Beklemek, ummak, ümit etmek, sanmak
  2. Umulan, beklenen, öngörülen, dört gözle beklenen, ümit edilen

expected frequency

  1. Beklenen sıklık


  1. Şişkinlik
  2. Şişirme
  3. Abartı
  4. Kendini beğenmişlik
  5. Enflasyon

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

expectedexpected frequencyexpected lifeexpected net returnexpected rate of returnexpected returnexpected toexpected utilityexpected valueexpectexpect the worstexpect toexpectableexpectanceinflationinflation accountinginflation biasinflation feedback processinflation inertiainflation lobbyinflation of creditinflation of the currencyinflation pressure gaugeinflation rateinflatinginflatablinflatableinflatable boatinflateinflate bottom
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