dll surrogate ne demek?

  1. Dll vekili


  1. (en)(Computers) file containing the executable routines of a program (in the operating systems Windows and OS/2).
  2. Dll


  1. (en)(Computers) file containing the executable routines of a program (in the operating systems Windows and OS/2).
  2. Dll

dll path

  1. Dll yolu


  1. Naip, vekil
  2. Yerine geçen kimse veya şey
  3. Özellikle evlenme izin namelerini veren memur
  4. Vasiyetin gerçekleştirilmesine bakan hakim
  5. Yerine geçen kimse

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

dlldll pathdll vekilidll yoludlldynamic link librarydlls useddldl envelopeDL fenilalaninDL lisinDL metiyoninsurrogatesurrogate pharmacological effectsurroundsurround bysurround to
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