crafty person ne demek?

  1. Köpoğlu


  1. "Hain, düzenbaz" anlamlarında kullanılan sövgü.
  2. Kurnaz, işini bilen, zeki kimse.
  3. (en)Bastard.
  4. (en)Bitch.
  5. (en)Crafty person.

crafty and malevolent person

  1. Şeytan

crafty fellow

  1. Tilki


  1. Kişi, fert
  2. Tip, zat
  3. Birey
  4. Beden, vücut
  5. Şahıs
  6. Şahsiyet
  7. Adam
  8. Kimse

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

crafty and malevolent personcrafty fellowcraftycraftcraft guildcraft salecraft unioncraftedcrafoord operasyonucraalcrabcrab applecrab eatingcrab eating foxpersonperson addicted to wineperson cashingperson entitledperson from the provincesperson having outstanding debtperson in chargeperson marketingperson missused by othersperson of notepers valisipers.persaltpersantilperse
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