corrective network ne demek?

  1. Düzeltici sebeke


  1. Dizilmekte olan bir eserin provalarını düzeltme ile görevli kimse, düzeltmen, musahhih.
  2. (en)Reformative.
  3. (en)Corrective.
  4. (en)Reformatory.
  5. (en)Amendatory.
  6. (en)Correctional.
  7. (en)Emendatory.
  8. (en)Regenerative.
  9. (en)Proofreader.
  10. (en)Corrector.

corrective gymnastics

  1. Düzeltici cimnastik

corrective maintenance

  1. Onarım


  1. (en)Make ties or acquaintances (esp. for professional support or business advantages); link computers for the exchange of information; broadcast something simultaneously on networked stations.
  2. Iletişim ağı, ağ, şebeke, ağ örgüsü
  3. Şebeke
  4. Ağ örgüsü
  5. Yayın istasyonları şebekesi.

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

corrective gymnasticscorrective maintenancecorrective measurecorrective otoplastie operationcorrectivecorrectiblecorrectingcorrecting unitcorrectioncorrection by himselfcorrectcorrect and clearcorrect heatcorrect recordcorrect tonetworknetwork access pointnetwork access servernetwork adaptation modulenetwork adapter cardnetwork addressnetwork address translationnetwork administrationnetwork administratornetwork analysisnetwarenetnet 30net abusenet ağırlıknet aktif değeri
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