boarding student ne demek?

  1. Leyli


  1. Yatılı
  2. Geceye özgü
  3. Bk. Leyla.
  4. Gece ile ilgili, gece gibi karanlık, hüzünlü.
  5. (en)Boarder.
  6. (en)Boarding student.

boarding school

  1. Yatılı okul

boarding card

  1. Biniş kartı


  1. Öğrenci, talebe
  2. Uzman
  3. Öğrenci

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

boarding schoolboarding cardboarding houseboarding house keeperboarding passboardingboardinghouseboardboard a shipboard and lodgingboard and lodgingsboard and residenceboarboar huntstudentstudent advisor adviserstudent candidatestudent dağılımıstudent daysstudent discountstudent dormitorystudent employment servicesstudent hostelstudent hotelstudstud boltStud Çivisistud farmstud horse
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