axiom schema ne demek?

  1. Ilksav kalıbı


  1. Mantıksalilksav ya da özelilksav. || Anl. belit.
  2. (en)Axiom.
  3. (fr)Axiome

axiom belit

  1. Aksiyom

axiom of choice

  1. Seçme aksiyomu


  1. Şema, taslak
  2. (çoğ

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

axiom belitaxiom of choiceaxiom of extensionalityaxiom of infinityaxiomaxiomaticaxiomatic definitionaxiomatic methodaxiomatic sciencesaxiomatic set theoryaxiological ethicsaxiologyaxialaxial bearingaxial bondaxial compressoraxial coordinatesschemaschematicschematic chartschematic diagramschematic drawingschematicallyschematiseschematisedschematismschematizationscheck happensschediascheduleschedule of chargesschedule of concessions
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