automated office ne demek?

  1. Modern büro


  1. Çağdaş
  2. Çağa uygun, asri.
  3. Fr. şimdiki zamana uygun, asri. (Bak: Medeniyet)
  4. (en)Advanced.
  5. (en)Contemporary.
  6. (en)In the groove.
  7. (en)Groovy.
  8. (en)Latterday.
  9. (en)Neoteric.
  10. (en)Streamlined.

automated flight information system

  1. Afis

automated flight inspection system

  1. Afis


  1. Yazıhane, daire, ofis
  2. Ticarethane
  3. Hizmet, iş, memuriyet, vazife, görev
  4. Hükümet dairelerinden biri
  5. Bu daireye mensup memurlar
  6. Ibadet tören ve ayinleri
  7. Ofis, büro, devlet dairesi, bakanlık, görev, sorumluluk, ima, kiler, ambar, dini tören, makam

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

automated flight information systemautomated flight inspection systemautomated ıdentification technologyautomated installautomated machineautomatedautomated production managementautomated tellerautomated teller machineautomated test equipmentautomateautomatautomataautomakerautomanipulationautomanipulativeautomasiaofficeoffice actionoffice automationoffice beareroffice blockoffice boyoffice buildingoffice calloffice centeroffice clerkoffical channelsoffoff and onoff baseoff boardoff center
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