advanced controls ne demek?

  1. Gelişmiş Denetimler


  1. Gelişme gösteren.
  2. (en)Developed.
  3. (en)Improved.
  4. (en)Sophisticated.
  5. (en)Forward.
  6. (en)Full- grown.
  7. (en)Advanced.

advanced controls for volume control

  1. Ses Denetimi için Gelişmiş Denetimler

advanced control

  1. Gelişmiş denetim


  1. Denetimler, bir makinayı düzenleyen ve yönlendiren aletlerin ayarlanması

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

advanced controls for volume controladvanced controladvanced configurationadvanced configuration and power advanced connectionadvanced connection settingsadvancedadvanced aerodromeadvanced ageadvanced at full steamadvanced authoradvanced buttonadvanced compressionadvanced computing environmentadvanceadvance amountadvance billadvance bookingadvance booking chartercontrolscontrolsourcecontrolstylecontrolcontrol accesscontrol access to shared resources usingcontrol accountcontrol animalcontracontra accountcontrabandcontraband goodcontraband of warcontcontaconta bileziğicontactcontact angle
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