duydun mu ne demek?

  1. (en)Did you hear


  1. Yapmak, etmek; tamamlamak, meydana getirmek; neden olmak; düzenlemek, temizlemek; rolünü üstlenmek; ilgilenmek; uymak; ayağını kaydırmak; dolandırmak (Argo)

duyduğu halde algılamayan

  1. (en)Word deaf.

duyduğuma memnun oldum

  1. (en)I am gratified to hear


  1. Mı / mi.
  2. (en)The 12th letter of the Greek alphabet.
  3. (en)Memory unit Usually a printed circuit board assembly populated with memory chips that stores a certain quantity of memory Intel term for one of the types of cards in a memory system card set.
  4. (en)The two-character ISO 3166 country code for MAURITIUS.
  5. (en)University of Missouri-Columbia; one of the four campuses; also see UMC.
  6. (en)Multiple Unit A system of train control in which the motors and/or doors of the entire train can be operated in unison from a single point.
  7. (en)Nothing or nothingness.
  8. (en)The symbol m is often used to symbolize the mean of the population.
  9. (en)Nothing ' The Zen nothingness or emptyness This principle is often used in the Japanese martial arts to make one clear in the mind of all thought so the body will respond instantly to any situation.
  10. (en)China Eastern Airlines.

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

duyduğu halde algılamayanduyduğuma memnun oldumduyduy prizduyalduyanduyan kimsemumuabbermuabbirmuabbirınmuaccelmuaccelanemuaccelatmuaccelemuaccelenmuacceliyetmM bandım cetvelim crewM CSF
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