wrongful seizure ne demek?

  1. Gasp


  1. Bir malı sahibinin izni ve haberi olmadan zorla alma.
  2. Bk. zorla alma
  3. (en)Seizure by violence.
  4. (en)Wrongful seizure.
  5. (en)The act of opening the mouth convulsively to catch the breath; a labored respiration; a painful catching of the breath.
  6. (en)Short labored intake of breath with the mouth open; 'she gave a gasp and fainted'.
  7. (en)Extortion.
  8. (en)Assumption.
  9. (en)Unauthorized assumption.
  10. (en)Deforcement.

wrongful act

  1. Haksız eylem
  2. Kusurlu fiil
  3. Hukuka aykırı fiil

wrongful death claim

  1. İhmal sonucu ölüme sebebiyet verme


  1. Felç, inme
  2. Tutma, ele geçirme
  3. Müsadere, el koyma
  4. Zapt, haciz
  5. Nöbet.
  6. Gasp, yakalama

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

wrongful actwrongful death claimwrongful dismissalwrongful distresswrongfulwrongfullywrongfulnesswrongwrong actionwrong font yanlış hurufatwrong headedwrongdoerseizureseizure by violenceseizure noteseizableseizeseize an opportunityseize by forceseize by the collarseicentoseicheseidelseidlitzseidlitzpowder
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