whats my temperature ne demek?

  1. AteşŸim kaç (Yazılışı: what's my temperature)


  1. (what is) "what is (nedir)", "what is? (nedir?)"in kısa yazılışŸı, nedir (Yazılışı: what's)

whats cooking

  1. Neler dönüyor, ne dolaplar dönüyor (Yazılışı: what's cooking)


  1. Benim
  2. Aman! Olur şey değil ! Hayret!
  3. Hayret, vay be
  4. Million years.
  5. Hayret!, vay be!


  1. Vücudun hareket derecesi
  2. Isı derecesi
  3. Sıcaklık, sühunet
  4. Ateş, hararet

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

whatswhats cookingwhats cooking?whats done is donewhats going onwhats going on?whats in that chocolatewhats itwhats newwhats new?whatwhat awhat a beauty!what a bindwhat a daymymy baggage is brokenmy baggage is broken and some things are missingmy beautifulmy best complimentsmy better halfmy blood type is a positivemy blood type is ab negativemy change pleasemy chuckmM bandım cetvelim crewM CSF
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