voluntary association ne demek?

  1. Gönüllüler derneği
  2. Hayır kurumları
  3. Ticari amaç taşımayan dernek


  1. Gönüllü, fahri
  2. Gönülden kopan
  3. İrade sahibi
  4. Gönül rızası ile
  5. İradeye bağlı
  6. Kendi isteğiyle hareket eden
  7. Hür, serbest
  8. İhtiyari hareket
  9. Bkz. volonter

voluntary bankruptcy

  1. İhtiyari iflas


  1. Çağrıştırma, akla getirme
  2. İştirak, dernek
  3. Birleşme, ortaklık
  4. Kurum, cemiyet
  5. Arkadaşlık, birlik
  6. İş birliği

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

voluntaryvoluntary bankruptcyvoluntary chainvoluntary changesvoluntary confessionvoluntary controlvoluntary conveyancevoluntary courtesyvoluntary debtsvoluntary domicilevoluntarilyvoluntarinessvoluntarismassociationassociation companyassociation footballassociation of ideasassociation of insurancesassociation of metropolitan authoritiesassociation of national advertisersassociation of shipownersassociation of teacher educatorsassociation testassociatioassociatingassociateassociate directorassociate in crimeassociate in guiltassociate integral equation
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