urban economics ne demek?

  1. Şehir ekonomisi


  1. Nüfusunun çoğu ticaret, sanayi, hizmet veya yönetimle ilgili işlerle uğraşan, genellikle tarımsal etkinliklerin olmadığı yerleşim alanı, kent
  2. Bk. kent
  3. (en)Urban.
  4. (en)City.
  5. (en)Town.
  6. (en)Town kent.
  7. (en)Community.
  8. (en)Place.

urban economy

  1. Kent ekonomisi


  1. Çöl Arapları
  2. Kentsel
  3. (en)Of or belonging to a city or town; as, an urban population.
  4. (en)Indicates whether the school is located in an urban area An urban area is defined as being a locality comprising 10 000 or more people The localities are determined by the Australian Bureau of Statistics.
  5. (en)In architecture, the functions and forms of the city; anything related to, or characteristic of, the city.
  6. (en)Use or harvesting of marine and coastal resources pertaining to developed or built up areas.
  7. (en)Urban is defined alternately as urbanized areas or, outside of urbanized areas, places of 2,500 or more in population Data reported are for 1990.
  8. (en)Main Inventory Table field which designates inventories without agricultural tools, or with a separate agricultural operation, or with minimal livestock An urban inventory is identified by a null in the rural field.
  9. (en)The Census Bureau defines 'urban' for the 1990 census as comprising all territory, population, and housing units in urbanized areas and in places of 2,500 or more persons outside urbanized areas.
  10. (en)Highly industrialized area, usually considered a city.


  1. İktisat bilimi
  2. Ülke ekonomisi
  3. Ekonomi bilimi

Türetilmiş Kelimeler (bis)

urban economyurbanurban agglomerationurban areaurban developmenturban dwellerurban environmenturban expansionurban fabricurban fishingurbaurbalıurbeconomicseconomics departmenteconomics ministereconomics of environmenteconomics of natural resourceseconomics of scaleeconomics professioneconomiceconomic activitieseconomic aideconomic analysiseconomic and social committeeeconomi modueconometric modeleconometricianeconometricseconometrist
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